Tag Archives: Specialty finance


[BUR/LN – Burford Capital] Part 2: Investment returns and valuation

For those of you who are intimately familiar with Burford (there seem to be a lot of you!), bear with me for a few paragraphs as I run through some preliminary concepts for newcomers.   Here is how Burford represents the returns it has generated on its portfolio:ROIC is simply the profits realized on concluded investments […]

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[BUR/LN – Burford Capital] Part 1: Industry context and competitive advantages

This is a two-parter. Part 1, today’s post, discusses the industry and Burford’s putative moat; Part 2, which will be posted a week from today, digs into Burford’s reported returns (including Cannacord Genuity’s skepticism thereof) and valuation.Law firms are staid institutions, averse to change and culturally ill-suited to bearing risk on high stakes IP and […]

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