Tag Archives: P&C insurance


[PROTCT – Protector Forsikring] Insider Buying; Reserve Hits; Low Cost vs. Cost Advantage

In the insurance industry, growth stories are to be treated with caution.  When I come across an underwriter, like Protector Fosikring, that is profitably growing premiums by 20%/year when its peer group is growing 1-4%/year, the first flag I raise is colored red, not green.  More likely than not, it is underpricing risk or accepting […]

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[CB – Chubb Ltd] A Port in the Storm

[Re: Harvey/Irma disaster relief efforts, here are three charities that have been given top marks by charitynavigator.org: Helping Hand for Relief and Development, GlobalGiving Foundation, and ShelterBox USA.] When referring to the insurance industry, folks often talk about “hard” and “soft” markets – periods of strengthening and weakening premium prices, respectively – as though they […]
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