Tag Archives: Issuer processors


[FISV, GPN, FIS, SQ, Stripe, Adyen] On payment processors, distribution, and technology: Part 4 of 4

If you follow the payments space even casually, you are no doubt aware of the sequence of the mega mergers that have taken place between merchant acquirers and core processors this past year.  Source: scuttleblurb and public filingsThe bolded companies in the table above are the surviving merged entities, their market caps and enterprise values […]

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[FISV, GPN, FIS, SQ, Stripe, Adyen] On payment processors, distribution, and technology: Part 3 of 4

Having covered merchant acquirers and card networks, I’m down to the final part of the payment edifice – issuer processors.  Issuer processors are to card issuing banks what merchant acquirers are to merchants.  They authorize and process transactions on behalf of card issuing banks under long-term agreements and recognize revenue based on a combination of […]

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