It used to be that a chip engineer would design an integrated circuit by hand drawing a few dozen pages of schematics using standard templates, the resulting patterns X-ACTO knifed out of plastic film. But with transistor density doubling every 18 months, this manual process couldn’t scale and was eventually replaced with a technology called […]
Tag Archives: EDA
[SNA] Snap-On
[SNA – Snap-On] when brand meets distribution
Snap-On’s origin coincides with that of the US auto industry. In 1920, an engineer by [...]
Continue reading →[SSD] Simpson Manufacturing
what did Warren Buffett see in Simpson Manufacturing?
The next time you find yourself at the site of a half-built home, direct your [...]
Continue reading →[WISE] Wise plc
Wise and the business of cross-border transfers: part 2
Related post:Wise and the business of cross-border transfers: part 1I concluded part 1 describing how, [...]
Continue reading →[WISE] Wise plc
Wise and the business of cross-border transfers: part 1
Every year, consumers the world over move ~£2tn across borders, with roughly 2/3s of that [...]
Continue reading →[AEP.V] Atlas Engineered Products
[AEP.V] Atlas Engineered Products
(taking a break from building products after this. Up next: a 2-parter on Wise)In part [...]
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