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[CSU] Constellation Software

The fawning adoration that investors heap on certain capital allocators can be a little gross, but Mark Leonard, CEO of Constellation Software(1), deserves most of it.  His letters are a master class in lucid and honest communications and a welcome reprieve from the enervating, mealy-mouthed crap that we hear from lesser CEOs all year long.  […]

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[TYL – Tyler Technologies] Finding Common Ground in Government (Systems)

Posted By scuttleblurb On In [TYL] Tyler Technologies | Comments Disabled

In the course of researching Tyler, I came across this synopsis of the company’s distant history.  If the laudatory retrospectives that we all know and love – the ones that start with outcomes and back into causes – were written in the late ’80s, Tyler Corp. might have been featured as an unexampled success story, […]

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