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[RAMP – LiveRamp] Ad Tech Situations are Special

Earlier this month, Acxiom completed the sale of Acxiom Marketing Services (AMS), a segment that accounted for ~3/4 of its revenue and nearly all its segment profits, to Interpublic Group for $2.3bn.  AMS partly helps manage the marketing operations of big brands – designing and maintaining customer databases, running custom performance analytics, aggregating third-party data(1) […]

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[AMZN – Amazon, GOOG – Alphabet] Trillion Dollar Baby

Posted By scuttleblurb On In [AMZN] Amazon,[GOOGL] Alphabet | Comments Disabled

When paired with a (truly) stable capital base, “behavior” is cited by many, including myself, as the supreme edge – trumping information (in theory, equally accessible to all) and analysis (smart people abound) – since, when investing over a long time-frame, what matters more than the singular decision to buy a stock is how we behave through […]

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