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[RAMP – LiveRamp] Beyond the cookie

The diffuse nature of LiveRamp’s solution makes it hard to understand, so I thought I’d revisit a few points from my last LiveRamp post.  Here again is the marketer’s challenge:“When you walk into a Nordstrom and purchase a bow tie, the details of that transaction will be stored in a database alongside the phone number, […]

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[TTD – The Trade Desk] A gorilla in ad tech?

Posted By scuttleblurb On In [TTD] The Trade Desk | Comments Disabled

Google and Facebook have come to dominate online advertising in the US, claiming 60% of the industry’s revenue.  It’s easy to understand why.  With billions of users persistently logged into their properties, Facebook and Google have broader reach than just about anyone in the ad ecosystem and can ensure that impressions are served to as […]

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[RAMP – LiveRamp] Ad Tech Situations are Special

Posted By scuttleblurb On In [RAMP] LiveRamp (Acxiom) | Comments Disabled

Earlier this month, Acxiom completed the sale of Acxiom Marketing Services (AMS), a segment that accounted for ~3/4 of its revenue and nearly all its segment profits, to Interpublic Group for $2.3bn.  AMS partly helps manage the marketing operations of big brands – designing and maintaining customer databases, running custom performance analytics, aggregating third-party data(1) […]

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